Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A Job possibility and other Ramblings

Well it seems I might have a job possibility. A friend of mine told me there is a solid position becoming available soon and I should apply. I might get the job. Let's see if I do. All fingers crossed.

Other than that I have just one little quam. I am getting almost no visitors these days and noone seems to leave a message or talk on the chatterbox lately. Come on guys dont be a stranger. Let me know your blogs and I'll be sure to come by as well. That's one of the fun of blogs. Sharing your thoughts and life.
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1 comment:

  1. The funny thing, Sarah, is that I am not an American so jobs for me are quite limited. This job involved Visual Basic but as it turns out now, the job does not guarantee me, a non american, a job or a sponsor. So its a no go. I am still trying to look for others as of now. heh and its not really a fine webpage. It is a hodgepodge of stuff :D.
